


忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟提出了严格的建议, 独立617888九五至尊娱乐转化为行动, 制定解决方案并倡导健康的, 安全, 还有未来. 我们是617888九五至尊娱乐家, 工程师, 经济学家, 积极分子, and everyday people working together to make change happen.

总统寄语 & 椅子

No matter where you live, chances are almost certain you were affected by climate change this year.

Scientists have been warning us for decades to expect more extreme weather as a result of climate change, but even for those of us close to the data it’s hard not to feel shocked by the reality. 西海岸出现了一波又一波的大雨和大雪. Hazardous air over the Great Plains and Southeast from northern wildfires. 南部和西南部持续不断的热浪. 新英格兰和纽约发生历史性洪水. 佛罗里达的伊达利亚飓风. 毛伊岛可怕的野火.

这些事件的强度, 在这里和世界各地, makes it clear that the climate crisis is progressing beyond debate, 否认, 或延迟. 我们必须停止燃烧化石燃料. 瑞秋·克利图斯, 我们的617888九五至尊娱乐和能源政策主管, 他告诉波士顿环球报, “我们所关心的一切现在都处于危险之中.”

This report speaks to the progress you made possible in 2023. You’ll see examples of our determination to seize every opportunity to drive down heat-trapping emissions and build a healthier planet, 更安全的世界, 一个更加公正的社会. Your ongoing support enables us to take full advantage of each one.

例如, we seized on public interest in the film Oppenheimer to reach across the political aisle and achieve a bipartisan victory for survivors of nuclear weapons testing. We deployed science to make sure the benefits of humanity’s largest-ever federal investment in climate justice—the Inflation Reduction Act— reach the most affected communities. And we brought farmers and farmworkers to meet their elected officials in Washington, DC, to call for a food and farm bill that supports their well-being, 保护环境, 喂饱饥饿的人, 而不是在口袋里 大的农业.

These efforts—and many more you’ll read about in the pages ahead—represent complex, 往往多年的努力锚定在严谨, respected scientific research the Union of Concerned Scientists is known for. This work simply would not be possible without you and your commitment to our mission.

We’re gaining ground in driving fair, science-informed solutions that matter. 为了我们的孩子和子孙后代, we must keep the momentum going as we enter a crucial election year. And in collaboration with steadfast partners like you, we’ll succeed. 我们非常感谢您一直以来的支持.




The Union of Concerned Scientists continues to benefit from the generosity of our more than 100,000名会员和基金会, who work in partnership with us to build a healthy planet and 安全r world. The majority of our support—83 percent—came from generous individual donors through outright and planned gifts, while support from foundations represented 15 percent of our revenue.


这是UCS 2023年费用的图表

Eighty-six percent of every dollar donated to UCS in fiscal year 2023 directly funded our program work, with the remaining 14 percent spent on the critical administrative infrastructure and fundraising that support our programs. 每年的预算是五千万美元, UCS continues to strengthen our unique ability to help solve our planet’s most pressing problems with the power 独立617888九五至尊娱乐.


我们对您的奉献和支持深表感谢. 没有。这项517888九五至尊娱乐是不可能的 你们共同建设一个更美好世界的承诺. 谢谢你!.